December 8, 2017

The Crossing: My Journey to the Shattered Heart of Syria

by Samar Yazbek

For our final literary and food gathering of the year, we’ll be reading the great Syrian author Samar Yazbek’s book of nonfiction The Crossing: My Journey to the Shattered Heart of Syria.

I continue to think it’s time to dig in and do some quality reading in these weird times when we are bombarded with so much that is mind-numbing. How many of us really know anything of depth about Syria — its history and its tragic present-day? My maternal grandfather immigrated from Syria as a boy, and I grew up eating Syrian food and hearing Arabic spoken in my grandparents’ home. I even know a curse word or two! I promise to recreate some of those delicious dishes and look forward to a lively discussion about a part of the world that I imagine many of us remain ignorant.

To RSVP, email me


This is the place where poetry, politics, caregiving, disability and the ocean intersect with the body. That body is mine and yours.

A podcast about The Grit and Grace of Caregiving, hosted by me and Jason Lehmbeck.